Friday, 18 April 2014

FMP Practice Shoot

The last couple of days, I have travelled to my auntie's house to experiment with my final idea in preparation for my final images. I conducted two shoots whereby the weather was completely different therefore creating diverse outcomes. The first shoot’s weather was brighter therefore displaying more in depth colours of the fabrics whereby the overcast weather created more solid bold colours of the fabric with more shadows created. 

 The image above left is by positioning Phoebe with the sun behind her and with the use of a flash gun on camera. The image above right image is when the weather was overcast therefore the images were relatively dull. I used a flash gun on the camera to light Phoebe creating a shadow behind her.

 Overall, for the final images I need to make sure the fabric fills the frame due to there being a slight gap at the bottom of the image where it wasn’t quite long enough. I will also need to invest in a cable so that I can remove my flashgun from the camera and position it in the direction I want. I am also leaning more towards the sunny weather compared to the overcast weather. I need to decide on what colour background that I want to use for the final images so I will do some more experimentation's and also photograph more with some wallpaper samples. 

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